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Precious Pet Services
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Intestinal Worms
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Soft Tissue Surgery
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Soft Tissue Surgery
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Our Veterinarian's high level of expertise and our hospitals’s fully equipped surgical suite allows us to perform the vast majority of soft tissue surgical procedures that your pet may require. Soft tissue surgery encompasses any surgery that is not related to bones.
It includes procedures such as:
Exploratory Laparotomies
Lump Removals
Wound stitch-ups
Removal of intestinal foreign bodies
....the list is endless!
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A very common soft tissue surgery is the removal of lumps. Some lumps may require a biopsy prior to removal to help understand whether they are cancerous or not. This information assists us in planning the surgery accordingly to give your pet the best possible outcome. Once they have been removed we recommend sending them to our external laboratory for analysis.
Although most lumps are benign (not harmful), a minority are more serious (malignant). In the case of malignant (cancerous) tumours, early removal and an accurate diagnosis is extremely important to maximise the chances of a good outcome.
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